Top 5 Fun Facts About Horse

5 Fun Facts About Horse 😍 Horses have been important to people for a very long time. They have been friends, workers, and symbols of beauty and freedom. Horses can do many things, like help with farm work, carry people, and be part of sports and fun activities. They have a strong connection with people and can be trained to follow commands and work with riders.

Horses are also important in stories, art, and myths. They are strong but also gentle, which makes people love them. Even though there are some problems with taking care of horses today, they still amaze and inspire people all over the world.

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Top 5 Fun Facts About Horse

No 1) Fun Fact

In 2005, a racing horse named A Long Goodbye ran really fast. On a track that is a quarter-mile long (about 0.40 km), the horse finished the race in 20.686 seconds, going faster than 50 miles per hour! Most horses usually run at about 44 kilometers per hour (27 miles per hour).

No 2) Fun Fact

Humans with perfect vision are said to have “20/20” vision. Horses are thought to have vision that’s a bit worse, like “20/30” to “20/60.” This means horses can see something from 20 feet away that a person with normal vision would need to be 30 to 60 feet away to see. For comparison, cats have even worse vision, about “20/100.”

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No 3) Fun Fact

Dr. Natalie K. Waran from the University of Edinburgh studied how horses feel when they travel facing forwards or backwards. She found that horses who traveled facing backwards had a lower heart rate, meaning they were calmer. They moved around less, made less noise, and kept their heads in a more normal position. This way, there’s less pressure on their head and chest.

No 4) Fun Fact

In a group of horses, the grown-up male horse, called a stallion, leads the group. The group has female horses, called mares, and baby horses, called foals. When young male horses, called colts, turn about two years old, the stallion makes them leave. The colts then join other young males until they are old enough to find their own group of female horses.

No 5) Fun Fact

Horses see things differently from us. They can only see clearly in a small area in front of them, about 55 to 65 degrees with both eyes. The rest of their vision, which is 190-230 degrees, is seen with just one eye at a time. This means horses don’t see details or judge distances very well. But they are really good at noticing movement, which helped them stay safe from predators. If something suddenly moves, horses might get scared because they can’t see it clearly from the side.

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